Face and Neck Lifts

A face lift is a surgical procedure that improves the signs of aging such as jowls in the cheeks and jaw, sagging skin, loose neck or “turkey neck” and drooping of the corners of the mouth. Research shows that face and neck lifts done before the age of 55 have more lasting results than those done at an older age. One having the procedure after 55 may need a re-tightening because of the loss of strength and elasticity of the tissues. This is usually done with local anesthesia in the office. Since there are various ways to do face and neck lifts, Dr. Morgan will help you decide what approach is right for you.

Mini-Face Lift

The mini face lift tightens the mid and lower face and gives some tightening to the neck. Dr. Morgan uses a technique called the minimally invasive advanced composite face lift. This technique combines the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) face lift with the tightening of the deep facial ligaments under high magnification. It achieves lateral tightening of the neck skin and muscle. It is an excellent choice for those who have significant facial sagging but less loose skin in the neck.

The mini facelift can be done in the office with local anesthetic and Pronox (laughing gas) or in the surgery center under general anesthesia. The incision is made in front of the ear and a short way behind the ear. Recovery takes 5 to 10 days. It is best to plan for up to 2 weeks off work and before going out in public. No exercise except walking for 2 weeks.

Face Lift

A face lift involves performing the min face lift procedure and adding extensive repair to changes in the neck. It includes tightening the muscles under the chin, tightening the neck skin and removing excess fat. The incision extends further behind the ear and may extend a short way along the hair line. This surgery must be done at the outpatient surgery center under local anesthesia. Recovery takes 7 to 10 days. It is best to plan for up to 2 weeks off work and before going out in public. No exercise except walking for 2 weeks.

Neck Lift

A neck lift can be done alone if there is no need for lifting the face. This surgery individually tightens the neck muscle and skin, using an incision behind the ears. This surgery must be done at the surgery center under general anesthesia. Neck lift recovery is 5 to 7 days. No exercise except walking for 2 weeks.