Calf Lifts

Cosmetic  Question:  Is there such a thing as a calf lift? I have loose calf skin but I cannot find calf lifts anywhere.

Cosmetic  Answer :  Yes, there are calf lifts. They are not often needed since the skin is thick and the calf muscle bulky.

Common reasons for needing a calf lift are:

  • Massive weight loss.
  • Calf injury causing the calf muscle to permanently shrink.
  • Liposuction of the calf that left the skin permanently loose.

There are two common procedures to ‘lift’ the calf and which procedure is done depends on the extent of loose skin. The 2 procedures are:

  1. The small scar calf lift is used if there is excess skin in the upper calf which can be lifted and removed which leaves a scar in the crease at the back of the leg. This is a good approach for moderate amounts of looseness.
  2. The long scar calf lift is needed when the skin is very loose and extends down most of the leg. A vertical scar is left after the surgery and goes down the back of the leg. This allows much more skin to be removed. The long and short scar calf lifts are similar in concept to the long and short scar arm and thigh lifts.

Although, everyone would prefer a short scar lift because the amount of skin removed is modest, this will not work for everyone. When there is a lot of loose skin you must do the long scar lift.

Long scar calf lifts take time to heal. In most cases your legs will ache for months. You need to wear knee high compression stockings for at least 6 weeks or more to control swelling. You cannot exercise vigorously for at least 8 weeks. Finally, because of the network of fine nerves that run down the leg, dysesthesias (nerve pain) can last for six months or more.

All that said, for people who need these operations, results are worth the effort because there is no other way to fix the problem.