Torn Earlobe Repair
A torn earlobe usually occurs if a pierced ear becomes elongated over time from wearing heavy earrings or if an earring is accidentally pulled through the lobe. An earlobe can be surgically repaired in the office with local anesthetic. The ears can be re-pierced 6 weeks after the repair.
Ear Gauge Repair
A new popular procedure that is being seen in plastic surgery is the repair of gauged earlobes. Earlobes can be stretched several inches over time depending on the size of the gauge. The goal is to recreate the earlobes to their original shape but the fact that gauges thin and stretch the earlobes means they may not look exactly the same.
The ear lobe tissue is reshaped and trimmed to recreate a new earlobe. It may involve different incisions and techniques, depending on the amount of stretched skin that needs to be repaired. There is little pain after the procedure and complications are rare. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia in the office. The sutures are removed in one week. No exercise for one week except walking.
Ear surgery (otoplasty) corrects the shape of the ear, most commonly ears that stick out too far from the head. It can be done to reduce the size of the earlobe or smooth the ear rim.
Otoplasty for prominent ears leaves a scar hidden behind the ear. It sets the ear closer to the head by thinning or cutting the ear cartilage and reshaping it. Sutures are put in the cartilage to secure the new shape of the ear. The ears are made as symmetric as possible but no parts of the body are completely symmetrical.
Otoplasty can be done in the office with local anesthesia and Pronox (laughing gas). Most people prefer having it done at the out-patient surgery center under general anesthesia. There is a bandage for 5 days and headband for 6 weeks. The ear will swell and bruise. Ball and contact sports are not allowed for 6 weeks.